Planting a new burst of petunias this week I unearthed many things along with the old dead ones – sticks, snail-shells, a bit of old greaseblob put out for the birds and understandably spat out… A huge grey and black stone buried under the surface… or was that a tatoe infiltrating the pot?
I gave it a tap with my trowel but the clunk was indistinct, so I maneouvred the trowel underneath to dig it out, and it set off of its own accord...
It sprang to the side of the pot then turned to see if I was still there – a splendid chunky garden frog. Very Like these garden frogs having a party in someone's pond:
Back to my frog in the plant pot - I suspect from my squelchy delvings that I’d been overwatering the petunias, and during the current drought a mini-swamp must have seemed rather appealing to a frog. This one stayed very still while I carefully picked him and his pot up, and carried him slowly across to the kitchen to see if we had any garlic.
Yes, of course I'm fibbing. (Although I confess to consuming frogs' legs when presented with them by someone for dinner).
Anyway, I was already in love with this specimen of amphibeanhood, so I repotted him in the shady leafy long-grassed rocky part that is much of our garden, then watered his new surroundings liberally. Frog Paradise!
In fact, I’m thinking of starting a Home – a sort of Saint Toadywinkles…
What d'you think?
Friday, May 27, 2011
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Dolores, what is that pretty blue thing? A Gallic-style hot tub?
Hi Expat - yes, it is a pretty blue, isn't it, and Would that it Were a hot tub!
I found this evidence in The Beyondosphere - whatever it is, I'm sure frogs would rejoice therein! It looks like it's just landed, and is evidently equipped to set off at will, answering all calls of amphibean dehydration.
Or paddling needs.
Delightful blog, Dolores.
Have you a name yet for your little hopper?
Thankee, JW... Frogwart?
Frogwart is good, Dolores.
Let's see how J.K. Rowling likes to be plagiarised; she does it to everybody else.
When you get more frogs you'll be able to have a Frogwarts Chorus like the Paul McCartney song.
Yes, JW - where d'you think she got 'Hogwarts' from?
And those constantly changing pictures on their stairs came from my friend Agnes' digital photo-frame.
Oh the Shame of plagiarising... D'you think Everyone will recognise it?
Hello Dolores!
Now don’t think I’m toadying up to you, but I like this frog blog!
I’m a toad-in-the-hole sort of chap myself, but I did try frog legs once. They reminded me of chicken, but without the wishbone. It did occur to me that frog legs would be much more fun if served attached. After eating each matching pair, you’d end up with frog wishbones, and you could break the legs with a dining partner and make a wish. But you’d have to be careful not to croak with a frog in the throat!!!
Thank you CI - what a wondrous collection of toadyhoods! I sort-of like the frog-attached idea, if only to be sure it died with its legs on.
How's the Old Country?
Dolores - that’s a good question - How’s the Old Country?
I fear its grip on reality has loosened, as has mine on the opposite. But maybe my friend the frog will still be there, in the undergrowth, beneath a hugely energetic jasmine vine that has risen twelve feet or more, with white, red, and orange roses bursting through its hanging green.
It’s my favourite patch of earth, for a while, in summer. I’ve just heard that a special colleague, a lady by the name of M Beth Olsen, has died in Bahrain. So I’m desperately sad, and I’m going to sit down and talk to my frog in the morning. He's helped me in the past, and now it's time for me to return the favour.
Oh CI, I'm so very sorry to hear about your colleague, obviously someone very dear to you.
Have a peaceful chat with Frog...
take care xxx
Well, there we are, or were. Thanks for kind thoughts! Maudlin over.
I did go hunting for Freddy the Frog this morning! I was hoping to see him sitting frog-legged on his comfy stone under the jasmine, but he wasn't there. After having watched your film, I suspect he's busy in the neighbour's pond... But tomorrow is another day!
PS I call him Freddy after Frederick Ashton.
Ah-hah CI - because he has the Legs of a Dancer...? (had to google Frederick A)
Ah-hah indeed! Did you watch?
Thank You Tons, CI - dimwittedly I hadn't thought to search for frog ballets by Frederick A...
Your clip is "Unavailable in your area" - however, I've googled a wondrous exerpt from the Tale of Jeremy Fisher that will venture into our area - Etraordinary! xx
Our swimming pool gets frogs in it over the winter, so they have to be fished out before any chemicals go in to clean the pool up.
Hi f-f! Yes, I suppose thwacking a chunky amphibean with every backstroke Would put you off your daily plunge...
How wonderful the pool must be for the summer though!
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