Rushing out the other morning, we skimmed (mercifully) over the nether half of a mouse, thoughtfully deposited on the top step by our cats. (One assumes…). George hurriedly flung it onto the autumn leaves, (which I heard this week are in fact Very Good for your flowerbeds and not just the laziest place to chuck them).
Coming home several hours later, we couldn’t help but notice a sort of creakily squelching sound emanating from the vicinity of the late mouse…
Closer inspection revealed a Hedgehog merrily chomping on the remains. He stopped and stared back at us for a moment, then as soon as we'd gone indoors, set to again with gusto.
We watched him through the window as he enjoyed his lunch; from time to time he'd turn it over, steadying it with his paw and considering another angle to dive in from... Short of tossing it high in the air (and Throwing Up afterwards), he was just like a cat! I knew they ate leftover kittysplodge, but a vaguely recognisable body part...?
A quick search online unearthed a multitude of Hedgehogs Eating Things – mostly fruit and veg, fortunately. The commentaries are sometimes slightly gooey, but I suppose I’d be the same were it mine own hedgehog, and some of the youtube clips do show them being most appealing pets… (Although we don't hear the hedgehog's thoughts on ranging free round the carpet).
Anyway, after consuming its own bulk in Mouse, this hedgehog scuttled off through the leaves, climbed the three-inch fence and nose-dived onto the concrete, then hurtled across the yard and up the garden path. Watched with great alarm by Daphne-Cat, who was evidently relieved to see it come out underneath the other side of the car instead of climbing up to where she was sitting on the bonnet. (She was probably miffed too, having put those Nethers by for later).
It is, of course, heartwarming that the poor old Mouse did not die in vain, and that the hedgehog and no doubt many ants benefitted... Not to mention The Hapless Worm - usually on the menu yet soon to feast upon the bacteria and tiny particles that once were mouse.
It's a Jungle Out There - thank god we're not at the wrong end of many food chains...
Tuesday top tip - attend a small literary festival.
23 hours ago
Nature, red in tooth & claw, DD.
I've also seen chickens take an incautious mouse or two and on a memorable occaison, a mole.
Marvellous wildlife commentary, DD. For a moment there I thought I was on the National Geographic website. The Hedgehog, worm and mouse are ferocious creatures in your thrilling narrative. Who needs tigers and crocodiles anyway?
After watching the feast of the ravenous little spiny mammal, did you feel hungry?
Flaming hell, Jon, a Mole!?
Jill ARCHER just flings a smattering of grain at Her chickens - what are they adding in your neck of the woods? (whatever it is, it's evidently not enough)
Thankee JW. And no - after watching the vid, I just thought I'd hate to run into him in a dark alley...
Dolores, did the hedgehog run out into the road? Was it looking for its flatmate?
Ho Ho, CI - I'm sure it was! (hopefully, not to eat her)
Hi Dolores!
I've been doing a lot of research on hedgehogs, and guess what?
A hedgehog joke won the 2009 top prize at the Edinburgh Fringe.
"Hedgehogs - why can't they just share the hedge?"
Great to see vids in your blogs, DD, and the nut eating hedgehog does look like a mini-Grizzly bear.
A hedgehog joke also won the unfunniest gag of all time. By anon.
What do you get if you cross a hedgehog with a porcupine?
A Hedgepine.
You know, it's not really that bad...Porkyhog might be better.
CI, that's HILARIOUS - thank you. I shall try Very Hard to remember that one for retelling! (May have to write it on my wrist of course - brothers got all the joke-telling genes)
JW, thank you too - that is indeed unfunny. but cute.
And I hadn't noticed the vid title - I was sure it was chomping on a carrot. Or Blackpool rock perhaps. It was so close, though, to the schlurpy crunching I'd been aiming for
Unabashedly off's Thursday and time to say
Well, I know you don't celebrate this holiday over there, but what the heck.
PS. The turkeys don't celebrate it much here, either.
Yes! Good health, happiness, and hedgehogs (if the turkeys escape)!
Some of us celebrate it, including an American expat round the corner who invited us to share his homegrown turkey one year. (We know they'd had a Wonderful Life, and having turkey-sat from time to time, we felt a deep fondness for these particular beasts...) (And they'd always Seemed thrilled to see us too, when we were scattering fodder)!
Hedgehog, CI?! Well... I'm sure he's been happy too with what the cats provide...
(Baggy not do the despatching)
I wonder, halfway across the road, have you had a spine-tingling experience?
They're the kind I always look out for, CI!
Did anyone hear Jasper Carrott on the radio this morning talking about Hamsters and Mobile Phones? -
"We're having an S&M party - bring your own hedgehog!"
Hello, Dolores
I tried to communicate last night; either the ether was peculiarly dense or you have blocked me! :)
How are you?
Oh Bilby - what a Joy to hear from you! 'Twas only yesterday that George and I were waxing fondly on the days of myT & More...
Block you? Certainly not! - its been snowing and the Ether struggles so...
We're fine thankee - you and Ara? Are you blogging? would love to read your stuff...
love & kisses to both
Hello Sweetie,
How lovely to find you in cyberspace.
Best wishes,
Bilby has been desperately trying to communicate, but technology is not co-operating.
She sends her apologies.
Hi Ara - wonderful to hear from you too! Can't quite make out your avatar - is it puppets? (or just my new glasses...)
Bilby may be alarmed to hear I've found ancient emails that might still connect...
Chuckle, Dolores.
My avatar is a portrait of Imogen, a character in Cymbeline by the Bard of Stratford. Very literary and not at all puppet-like, but it is a bit small and it is very dark on your site. :)
I doubt Bilby would be alarmed at all. Nice to be in touch.
Regards to George; delightful chap.
Hi Ara! Yes - Imogen of Cymbeline was my very next guess...
(Ashamed to say I'd always thought Cymbeline was a fairy)!
Dolores, Possum
Will this work? Who knows? I am trying, very.
Certainly it's worked - Well Done Bilby and thankee for coming!
It seems the old faithful smoke signals worked too!
To John in France - if folks saw what hens eat it would put them off eggs for life!
That's worrying, f-f! But I'm sure Jon in France is made of sterner stuff...
I just tried to wish you and Gorgeous George a Very Happy Christmas, but alas it didn't appear.
Don't know what I'm doing wrong, but never mind. Anyway, have a super day, Dolores! :) xxx
Oh woe is me! I'm so tired of trying to comment, Dolores. Anyway, just to wish you and George a Very Happy Christmas with many splendiferous presents and great joy. xxx
Did I do something really awful in a previous life? Perhaps.
HELLO & THANKEE, BILBY & ARA - what a delight to get your comments - thank you so much for keeping at it! (on fortnight-old posts it goes for Censoring - must post faster)!!
Anyway, hope you're both having fantabulous times this Christmas Day - (gorgeous) George and I wish you both Enormous Joy for the festivities and the New Year 2011 - may it be packed with adventures and Much Chocolate!
love & kisses, george & dolores, xxxx
I had no idea hedgehogs were so adorable! :-)
As for mice and their parts, I was once certain that I was being stalked by some sort of mouse-limb-based cult, finding legs and various other mouse bits on my front and back steps. I caught my Siamese dropping off a head. I took it as a tithing and we never spoke of it again.
:-) Lovely post.
Hello Pearl, Happy New Year & thankee for your merry comment! (Only just found it because my PC is being particularly moody).
I'm sure your Siamese & our tabbies would get on splendidly - they obviously talk the same giblet.
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